7 Things Mobile App Developers Should Focus On

Apple app store is home to 1.3 million apps while Google Play hosts 1.4 million apps. In such an intensely competitive mobile app environment how do coders ensure their apps hit a high number of downloads? Getting excellent ratings by consumers and hitting a million downloads is the ultimate dream of a mobile app developer. But getting there is easier…

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Should You Hire Freelances or an Agency for Your Software Project?

The 4th industrial revolution has caused traditional businesses to shift their focus towards digitization. Many organizations that don’t have software developers on their payroll now need to decide whether to form their own development teams, or outsource their projects to outside providers. Because you are currently researching this topic, we are going to assume that you’ve already decided to hire…

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5 Must-Have Features Every Ecommerce App Should Have

What if we told you that there’s something that can boost the sales of your ecommerce business as well as reinforce your client base. We don’t mean some kind of magic. The recipe is simple but at the same time super-effective. We’re talking aboutapps. To be precise, we mean shopping apps.To be even more precise, it’s about ecommerce apps. According…

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12 Key Features For Your Great Mobile App

Tablets, smartphones, wearables’ incredible growth has turned mobile applications deployment into an essential instrument for a large and powerful market. The best mobile app features should be taken into in-depth consideration to integrate an app into the model of business. Implementing invaluable app features to reflect brand personality and values does not depend on the business type you run. The…

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Benefits of Mobile Apps for Users

The most important reason to build a mobile app for business is, it improves the customer’s engagement and loyalty. A mobile app directly allows to communicate with your customers, in-app purchases, ads, and promotions have a greater impact on the customer as compared to roadside banners, social media ads, and email marketing. Mobile apps offer valuable marketing opportunities for all…

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