The 4th industrial revolution has caused traditional businesses to shift their focus towards digitization. Many organizations that don’t have software developers on their payroll now need to decide whether to form their own development teams, or outsource their projects to outside providers. Because you are currently researching this topic, we are going to assume that you’ve already decided to hire external professionals instead of building an in-house development team. Deciding whether to hire freelancers or an agency to carry out key development projects is not an easy one either. Most software projects require significant time and money investment, and the future of your entire business can depend on the results. Disclaimer: Since this article was written by a software development agency, it’s fair to expect some bias in here. However, our goal is not to say that agencies are always the 100% right choice in all cases. Instead, the article is only meant to outline the general thought process one should follow when deciding whether to hire freelancers or an agency. There are projects for which working with freelancers makes more sense and vice versa. With this out of the way, let’s start by examining the benefits and downsides of hiring freelancers as well as agencies.
Home » Should You Hire Freelances or an Agency for Your Software Project?